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Schilderen en tekenen | schildercursussen

Schilderlessen den Haag Voorburg Zoetermeer


1. Do you like to paint/draw?

It is important to realise who you are and what is, that you REALLY like. In that way you can choose things which truly make you happy and grow towards your passion. It sounds easy, but in every day life as an adult, it's even easier to loose yourself in daily obligations & routines.

I always knew I like painting & drawing. I did it a lot when I was child and during my study. Then I did fall in this gap, which we could call an adult life. I stoped with painting and drawing. It took me10 years to rediscover myself and start painting again. I would love to spare this time to everyone who is still searching. Choose for yourself and be happy. Create time for yourself. Create time for what YOU like to do.

At my lessons I will share with you the tricks I use to create 3D effects as on the paintings presented above. As an architect I'll help you to understand the rules of perspective, light & shadow game and many more. You will develop new skills and we will bring your existing skills on a higher level :)

It happens that we don't even know what we do like. Sometimes you don't know if you like to paint or draw at all. Sometimes you haven't got a chance to try. It happens often that you even tried, but you think yourself that you can't do it or you are not good enough. Well, I might have news for you. With a right mindset and guidance you can achieve things you wouldn't even thought that you could. Give yourself a chance and book a try-out lesson. You will see what I mean :) I'm sure after the lesson you will choose YES :)

--   DON'T KNOW   --

--   YES   --

don't know

Ontdek schilderijen van Alicja

Bekijk Portfolio
Bekijk Portfolio

2. Types of the lessons

Artona offers you 
different ways to learn
how to draw and paint. 
Check the buttons 
above to see which type of lesson suits you the most.

Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques
Artona Kids

Artona Kids

Nu bekijken

You can also have an individual online lesson, which is given via Zoom Video call. You get personal guidance in given subject and chosen technique.

Click the button to read more about the options

3. Techniques you can learn at Artona

At Artona you can learn how to paint & draw in different techniques. Below you can see artworks of my students created with dry pastel, aquarelle, acrylics, coloured pencils, aquarelle pencils, graphic pencils & charcoal. Most of the works are made by beginners: adults, youth and children :)

If you want to know all the techniques, which you can learn at Artona, click on the link below

Artona will help you to choose the technique which suits you the best. She will discuss with you your wishes, possibilities and advice you. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions.

Aquarelle painting of Iris created by Alicja

4. How to sign up for the lessons

Send to Alicja a message 

via contact form. 

Let her know what type of lesson you prefer.

She will contact you to discuss your wishes & availability.

Once your lesson is scheduled,
upfront payment is required to make your reservation final.

"Artona is a passion project of mine that focuses on sharing my love of art and helping others learn the techniques and skills needed to create masterpieces of their own. I believe that art is the ultimate form of self-expression, and I'm dedicated to helping others explore the possibilities of their own creativity. With my guidance, I'm confident that you can find your own unique voice as an artist."                         
                                                          ~   Alicja  ~

And some more works created by my amazing STUDENTS!

They all have started lessons at Artona as total beginners.

5. Testimonials lessons

         " I had a fantastic experience with Alicja. The classes are very relaxing and friendly, she is patient and takes time to explain to every students how to paint or draw. She also has a great sense of humour! Besides that, I was extremely pleased with what I learned both with color mixing, painting and drawing techniques. She has a precise and elaborate way of teaching that work both with beginners and advanced levels. I have already some experiences and those classes allowed me to reconnect with my skills and to discover new methods. I highly recommend her! "

~ Clemence ~

" Alicja is a very professional, compassionate and understanding teacher. I did not know that someone could adapt so well according to different students’ levels. I felt at complete ease from day one to ask questions or clear my doubts about any pastel stick she suggested. She answered all my questions with patience, and helped me develop my sense and my vision for art. Although soft pastel was new medium for me, she guided me proficiently to absorb as much knowledge as she could impart to me. I am very happy with my decision to learn from her, and hope to continue finding challenges that will help me grow further under her guidance."

~ Neha ~

" Alicja is an amazing and passionate art teacher as well as a wonderful and brilliant person. Her knowledge about many painting techniques is astonishing and this is reflected in the fact that she is so good in explaining clearly, step by step and with hundreds tips, how to achieve the best result! I enjoy so much the classes because Alicja is able to make them relaxing but lively. I appreciate very much her kindness, good mood, loquacity and excellent sense of humor. She cheered up my day many times. If you subscribe to her classes you cannot fail to be 100% satisfied. I strongly recommend her."

~ Rehab ~

" The personalized aquarelle course I took with Alicja was a fantastic experience. Not only because of all I learned technically during the 3 months course but specially because I had the opportunity to relate the aquarelle painting styles to other aspects of life.           

Alicja is very knowledgeable and her experience as professional architecture and talented artist results in one of the best "maestras de arte". Thank you Alicja for the opportunity to be at your lessons."

~ Nibia ~

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Flag of Italy
Flag of Uruguay

6. More about the techniques

As an artist, I understand how difficult it can be to learn something new and that's why I'm here to guide you every step of the way. I'm excited to see how far you can take your creativity and I am honored to be part of your journey.


My passion for art has led me to create a safe and encouraging environment for everyone to explore their inner artist. From painting to drawing, I offer a variety of techniques to help bring your creative visions to life. Check the technique descriptions below to see what you can learn at Artona

Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques


Pastelkrijt of pastel is een zacht soort krijtstift waarmee op een zeer schilderachtige wijze getekend kan worden. Kunstenaars die met pastelkrijt werken zien hun werk dan ook vaak eerder als een schilderij dan als een tekening. In tegenstelling tot wat de naam zou doen vermoeden, kunnen met pastel ook zeer felle kleuren verkregen worden


Gemengde techniek

Gemengde techniek (Engels: mixed media) is een begrip uit de beeldende kunsten, dat refereert aan een kunstobject of kunstinstallatie, bestaande uit meer dan één kunstmedium. Het is letterlijk een mix van allerlei media, maar niet per se een collage; veeleer een schilderkunstige techniek.


Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques
Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques
Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques



Een aquarel is een met waterverf gemaakt schilderij. Bij de schildertechniek van het aquarelleren wordt met wateroplosbare verf op speciaal dik aquarel papier 

geschilderd. Karakteristiek voor de zuivere aquareltechniek is dat het kleurende pigment in een niet-gesloten laag wordt aangebracht, zodat het papier erdoorheen schemert.

Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques
Aquarelle of Papaya painted by Alicja
Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques


Een potlood is een soort schrijf- en tekengerei. Het bestaat uit een stift, gemaakt uit een mengsel van grafiet en klei, met een houten 

omhulsel. Het mengsel voor de stift wordt in een oven gebakken. Veel klei en weinig grafiet geeft een hard potlood, veel grafiet en weinig klei geeft een zacht potlood.

Drawing made by Alicja at age 11: portrait of her father
Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques
Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques

Japanese ink


Oost-Indische inkt, in België ook bekend als Chinese inkt, is een lichtechte diepzwarte inkt die veel door kunstenaars wordt gebruikt. Voordat de computer zijn intrede deed op de tekenkamer werd deze inkt daar ook gebruikt voor het maken van technische tekeningen op calqueerpapier. Het is een van de oudst bekende soorten inkt.


Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques



Acrylverf of polymeerverf is een sneldrogende verf die bestaat uit een kleurend pigment met een bindmiddel 

van kunststof polymeerhars uit de acrylgroep.De basis van acrylverf is een acrylaatharsdispersie van minuscule deeltjes acrylaat verdeeld in water. Acrylverf kan worden verdund met water of tolueen, en is na droging watervast. Het drogingsproces is onomkeerbaar. Bij acrylverf is de pigmentconcentratie meestal lager dan bij olieverf vanwege de vele toevoegingen: de helft van de verfmassa bestaat uit water of oplosmiddel en omdat de fabrikanten, ook als dit voor een bepaald pigment op zich niet nodig is, altijd een constante hoeveelheid bindmiddel gebruiken om te voorkomen dat de verf bij droging door ongelijke krimpspanning gaat scheuren.

Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques
Artona gives painting and drawing lessons in variety of techniques
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